In a recent SiriusDecisions blog post, Laura Cross revealed some startling information regarding the usual set up of lead scoring for most companies getting started with marketing automation. Well, I guess I found it’s startling because it’s not how Right On Interactive sets up our 3D Scoring methodology. To start, she explains how most companies […]
Tag Archives: Lead Nurturing
When I started my lifecycle marketing internship at Right On Interactive in June, I had relatively little marketing experience and had a lot to learn about the company, its clients and the industry. Terms like “lifecycle marketing” and “3-D scoring” were completely new to me. However, in the past two months, a lot has changed. […]
Most marketers today are focused on generating new leads. It’s how they are evaluated and, in many cases, held accountable to the revenue goals of the organization. However, instead of concentrating on the top of the marketing funnel, marketers today should be focusing on the customer lifecycle and how engaged customers are with their brand. More […]
In the business world, forming lasting customer relationships is critical to success. Building a long-term relationship with a customer is far more profitable than acquiring a new customer. Consider these stats: It costs 6-7 times as much to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one. (Client Heartbeat) On average, loyal customers are […]
The average spend of a repeat customer is a 67% more than a new one but marketers are, in general, still evaluated on the number of leads they are able to generate day after day, quarter after quarter. So how can marketers and salespeople alike win new business but also engage customers in meaningful interactions that […]
No two customers are alike and neither is their path to purchase. Long gone are the days of the funnel where each and every prospects enters the buying process at the same stage and advances to the next in sequence until they make a purchase. The “path to purchase” is no longer a linear transition […]
Consistent, constructive communication is essential for any organization to achieve true client satisfaction and growth. Engaged relationships are at the root of loyal customers. One primary goal of ROI’s Client Success Team is to teach users how to best utilize their Customer Lifecycle Marketing platform, and encourage growth in their knowledge and understanding of the […]
This blog post is the first in a series of four on how customer lifecycle marketing works for marketers and organizations seeking to increase revenue and grow loyal customer relationships. Marketer meets lead. It’s love at first click. The lead hangs on to the marketer’s every word. “The marketer knows how I really feel,” thinks […]
These days, customer journey has become as much of a catch phrase as “big data” and “content is king.” Everywhere you look, marketers are touting the importance of understanding the customer journey and marketing to the customer journey. Why? Because it’s true. Understanding your customer journey or lifecycle is critical in developing engaging content and […]
Knowing who your target audience is and the type of content that’s most likely to interest them is critical for engaging prospective and current customers alike. Successful organizations today provide content that’s relevant, personalized and timely. According to Marketing Sherpa, 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause […]