Tag Archives: customize and personalize marketing

The Personalization Data You Should Be Collecting

Personalization Data

The golden rule of sending emails is relevancy. In a “me, me, me!” society, sending emails that are relevant to your recipient is top priority. However, there’s a lot more that goes on behind the scenes for every personalized, targeted email send. Personalization in your emails is only going to ever be as specific or […]

Customer Personas and Sliced Bread

Customer Personas

We can all learn a thing or two from sliced bread. The common household food is well-known as the highest standard that all other products are compared to. In fact, who hasn’t heard the phrase, “the best thing since sliced bread?” This is why it’s so surprising that a product with its own phrase didn’t catch on […]

How to Customize and Personalize Marketing Efforts

marketing automation and lifecycle marketing

CMO Council recently reported, 54% of all consumers in the United States and Canada would consider ending their loyalty relationships if the company does not pamper them with tailor-made, relevant content and offers. Providing personalized and customized service has always been a time-tested way to retain customers. Mom and pop stores did it successfully in their […]