B2B marketers Archives - Right On Interactive

Tag Archives: B2B marketers

How to Create a B-to-B Lead Management Agreement

How to Create a B-to-B Lead Management Agreement

Does your B2B sales team complain that the marketing leads are cold, dead fish? Is Marketing frustrated that leads seem to disappear in a black hole? One of the liveliest discussions among b-to-b sales and marketing teams is how leads are going to be efficiently and effectively managed. In this article, you will learn how to create a […]

10 Tips for B2B Social Media Marketing

10 Tips for B2B Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media, consumer-facing businesses jumped in head first with profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on (yes, there are more). Meanwhile, business-to-business organizations, or B2B companies, held back and waited for a big brand to dip their toes in the water first. Gradually, businesses have created Facebook pages and […]

17 Reasons to Use an Email Marketing Automation Tool

There are hundreds upon hundreds of companies in the marketing technology landscape (see for yourself). Of the many categories, marketing automation is expected to be a 1.9 billion dollar industry by 2020. However, some of you may still be asking if it’s truly worthwhile to invest in an email marketing automation tool. On the other hand, perhaps you […]

Promoting Customer Retention Through Lifecycle Marketing

customer retention

It’s been a couple years since my college friend group and I graduated Butler, so this past weekend we all reunited in Indianapolis. Besides tuning into the Butler game and exploring the shops on Mass Ave, no one could return home without hibachi from our favorite restaurant: Tomo. It didn’t matter that we had been […]

New Lifecycle Marketing E-book!


Is your company trying to shorten their sales cycle? Are they striving to generate new business while retaining current customers? Right On Interactive is now introducing its newest E-book: Lifecycle Marketing 101: What Every B2B Marketer Needs to Know About CLM! With this ebook, B2B marketers, senior executives, sales enablement professionals, or those seeking to know […]

B2B Client Success Management

  Client success management is about customer development, retention and expansion. It’s about actively managing customer relationships to increase engagement while making sure the customer is taking full advantage of the company’s services. A client success manager must build strong relationships with their clients and become their trusted adviser. This will build customer loyalty. Client success […]

Marketing success doesn’t come with glitter

Step right up folks and witness an all-new, never before seen, brand-spanking new digital marketing technology that is easy-to-use, designed with the marketer in a mind and guaranteed to bring you marketing success or your money back! Said no one. Ever. But, like a moth to a flame, marketers flock to the new, shiny object […]

TweetChat: Keys to Conversion

Marketers today are evaluated on numerous objectives and goals. While most organizations are clamoring for “more leads” they are also critical of the quality of these leads, which can be deciphered at a glance thanks to a certain percentage known as the conversion rate. What are conversion rates? Recently in Forbes, contributor Dave Lavinsky defined conversion rates […]

ROI’s Rules to Growing the Right Relationships

This blog post is the final in a series of four on how customer lifecycle marketing works for marketers and organizations seeking to increase revenue and grow loyal customer relationships. Over the past few weeks, I have shared with you a marketing love story to explain the difference between the outdated marketing funnel and lifecycle marketing. We have […]

Keeping Customers Happy

This blog post is the third in a series of four on how customer lifecycle marketing works for marketers and organizations seeking to increase revenue and grow loyal customer relationships. Last month, I shared with you a marketing love story to help explain the difference between the traditional marketing approach and customer lifecycle marketing. Then, I shared […]