Integrating Cross-Channel Activities

Web. Blog. Social Media. Email marketing. The list goes on and on. Each channel by itself is easy to engage, but integrating these cross-channel activities to work cohesively to promote the company’s objectives, including branding, is hard work indeed.

One way to ensure effective integration is to align the matrices of all the different channels to a single point. This not only ensures cohesiveness, but also makes it easy to track your efforts. For instance, assign a specific campaign code for each social media event, email campaign, webinar, or other promotional activity. Furthermore, create a specific landing page for the campaign, where the results can be recorded and monitored so you can measure your success.

Having integrated the results from the various channels and activities, a comparison should be made using a common cross-channel metric. The metric, at its core, needs to define how much customers engage with the brand.

For instance, comparing the number of times the whitepaper was downloaded versus the number of page views on Facebook distorts the big picture. Rather, keeping track of the number of people who responded to a specific call to action, such as a request for a quote in the webinar or on the Facebook page, allows for better comparison.

Again, it is important to weight the value of each score. For instance, assigning the same value to a request for a quote from a B2B wholesaler, who came through a direct presentation, and a quote request from an ordinary individual, who came through a Facebook page, is ineffective. Consider the effort, channel, and value of each lead.

Need to engage customers and increase revenue? Talk to the team at Right on Interactive. We have the perfect software solution to nurture leads and prospects, and convert them into long-term customers.

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