How Agile Data Management Enpowers Everybody

Information is power, especially when success in this day and age depends on quick access to information.  Everyone, ranging from top-level strategists, market research teams, product development task forces, to technical support and contact center staff need real-time data at their fingertips to achieve their business goals.

Agile business intelligence reflects this new approach to information management, and aims to place the required information within a person’s reach. For marketers and people engaged in customer engagement, agile data management, a crucial subset of agile business intelligence, matters the most.

So what is agile data management and how does it really matter in customer engagement?

Agile data management is ensuring robust, nimble and flexible architecture for storing and managing data, to allow for meaningful analysis or use. This could, for example, mean something as simple as integrating various data sources into a common platform. Or it could mean incorporating complex and powerful report functionalities such as a bar chart with drag and drop elements that explain how different relationships with different elements alter results.

The concept of agile data management extends far beyond user interface and covers all processes in data management, including acquisition, storage and processing. For instance, agile data management deploys intelligent metrics to ensure that only the right and the most relevant data is collected in the first place.

The benefits of such a powerful and dynamic concept are obvious. By ensuring that the right information reaches the right person at the right time, key personnel across the board remain empowered to act. Imagine how easily the marketing team can collate customer conversion figures across various engagement modes, sorted by demographic profile, and roll out the most successful engagement strategy for each age group, geographical location, and more. The possibilities are endless.

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