Category Archives: Marketing

Tips for Automated Campaign Success

With 78% of successful marketers saying marketing automation systems are most responsible for improving revenue contribution, it’s important to not only have a marketing automation platform, but to be able to effectively utilize that platform. So what exactly can you do to ensure you are automating your campaigns successfully? Below are a handful of tips […]

Improving Open Rates for Email Marketing Campaigns

improving open rates

I remember the day our weekly marketing report to the CEO of the company I first worked for included our email marketing statistics. Previously, we had reported on website visitors, calls to our 1-800 number, requests for more information via our landing pages and the number of new leads we had generated in the prior week. […]

Embracing the Content Marketing Push

content marketing

It’s no secret content marketing is an essential part of business today. Marketers are scrambling to get the best possible content for their marketing effort. Regardless of the marketing channel used (email, social media, websites, or paid advertising), content makes is crucial in engaging the customer. The heightened importance of content stems from the changing nature […]

Most engaging blog posts of 2014

Happy New Year 2014 Indianapolis

2014 was a busy year for Right On Interactive! It’s still hard to believe that in a few short hours we will be ringing in the New Year and kicking off 2015. But before we break out the champagne and noise makers, here’s a short list of Right On’s most popular blog posts in 2014. […]

2015: The Year of Data Driven Marketing

I was recently catching up with some fellow marketers when someone brought up their biggest issue and concern was data. “I can’t get what I want from our IT team,” she lamented. “I know we’re collecting a ton of it but what good is it when it’s not easily accessible?” Soon, others were chiming in. “I […]

How to Customize and Personalize Marketing Efforts

marketing automation and lifecycle marketing

CMO Council recently reported, 54% of all consumers in the United States and Canada would consider ending their loyalty relationships if the company does not pamper them with tailor-made, relevant content and offers. Providing personalized and customized service has always been a time-tested way to retain customers. Mom and pop stores did it successfully in their […]

How Marketers Can Adapt to a Fast Churning Business Environment

how marketers can adapt

The world of marketing is in a continuous state of churn. Changes in customer behavior bring forth new paradigms by the day, rendering previous ones obsolete. For instance, the traditional concept of marketing striving to solely generate leads is now obsolete. It’s not enough for marketers to adapt to change. We need to embrace change as a […]

4 Tips to Brighten Your Holiday Campaign

With the holidays in full swing and a shopping season incomparable to any other point of the year, it’s a priority to be the most recognized and talked about holiday campaign—The Rudolph of all reindeers, or the WestJet of all airlines. No one wants to get lost in the New York blizzard-sized heaps of holiday campaigns, […]

Giving Thanks for Apps and Organization

apps and organization

As I prepare for my family’s annual Thanksgiving holiday traditions this week, I thought it only appropriate to share with you my recipe for marketing (and business success). These apps, and no – I’m not talking about appetizers, are literally what I use every day to organize myself and my team as we embark on […]