Category Archives: Customer Relationship Management

How Big Data Facilitates Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is an integral part of the marketing lifecycle. Since lead scoring determines which prospects are sales-ready, getting this right is important to ensure the success of the entire marketing effort. There are many ways and approaches to score leads, but regardless of the approach, there are certain blind spots. For instance, a marketer […]

Developing Trust is the Key to Shorten the Sales Cycle

Developing trust is the key to shortening the sales cycle. All marketers welcome a shortened sales cycle. A shorter sales cycle means less work and the possibility of engaging with more prospects in the available time, leading to both increased efficiency and better volumes. The key to shortening the sales cycle is to earn the […]

The Key Challenges Facing Content Marketing Today

I came across the just-released 2013 B2B Content Marketing Report the other day and wanted to share some of the key takeaways: Marketers are now spending 33% of their budget on content marketing. The corresponding figure last year was 26%. There is still room for improvement as 39% of the marketers surveyed feel that there is […]

Integrating Email and Social Media

Marketers traditionally tend to push their products or the brand through email. They may get a few conversions, but a fair amount of those emails invariably wind up in spam folders. When it comes to social media, the mass “blitzkrieg” approach may be counterproductive. Recipients generally view blanket marketing efforts as spam, or even outright offensive. […]

When Retaining Customers May Not Be a Good Idea

We know it’s far easier (and cheaper) to retain existing customers than it is to recruit new ones. But amidst the buzz surrounding customer retention, it’s important to remember that not all customers are worth keeping. More customers generally means more profit. However, beyond a point, the marginal increase in profits per customer decreases. Increasing […]

Forrester Survey Highlights the Wrong Approaches Towards Content Marketing

The importance of content marketing can’t be understated. The right content plays a big role in accelerating prospects through the marketing lifecycle, especially when it’s relevant and delivered at the right time. However, Forrester’s Q4 2012 US and Europe B2B Marketing Tactics and Benchmarks Online Survey reveals that many B2B marketers still have a long […]

Snow and How to Measure the Success of Social Media Engagement

Track Social ROI

Here in Indianapolis, like most of the midwest, we woke up to 9 inches of snow on the ground.  There are a number of thoughts that go though your head when this happens but one is how to continue to do your job while out of the office.  Social media has become a great tool […]

Facebook Paid Messages: Marketing Advantage or Annoyance?

Facebook is testing a new feature called paid messaging. It will let users send a message directly to the inboxes of people outside of their network, starting with a cost of at least $1 per message. The price tag rises depending on the profile of the strangers you’re trying to reach. The higher the profile, […]

How to Use Big Data: Add Potency to Your Marketing Efforts

Data is part of the foundation of Lifecycle Marketing. If you’re not keeping track of your customers habits you’re missing key insights that can really help boost your marketing efforts. When a customer makes a purchase, an in-house analytic engine usually logs it in a sales-vs-time plot. These analytics provide marketers with information like peak […]

B2B Marketers Embrace Content Marketing in a Big Way

With today’s highly informed consumers, marketers are looking to build long-term relationships with their customers – directly impacting recurring and repeat business. Long term relationship are important to consider when developing a lifecycle marketing for your brand. This means providing prospects with relevant information based on the stage of the relationship they’ve developed with a […]