Thinking back to when my career in marketing first started, I recall a conversation with my Dad that was a bit unnerving at the time. I had always thought of myself as a creative writer and outgoing strategist, so imagine my surprise when he told me I would need to use math in a marketing […]
Every marketing cloud and marketing automation vendor out there is touting the importance of sales and marketing alignment… but what does that even mean? I’ve worked in marketing departments for the majority of my career and we always operated separately from the sales team. Of course, we were responsive to the sales team’s needs but, […]
Over the past few weeks it has been very windy here in Indianapolis. By very windy I mean that I went to my sister’s collegiate track meet, where I witnessed two officials get taken off of their feet and a high jump mat move 50 yards in a tumbling somersault of padded mesh death before […]
Does your B2B sales team complain that the marketing leads are cold, dead fish? Is Marketing frustrated that leads seem to disappear in a black hole? One of the liveliest discussions among b-to-b sales and marketing teams is how leads are going to be efficiently and effectively managed. In this article, you will learn how to create a […]
“Tyler, I don’t know what to write about this week.” If you manage your company’s blog or content, chances are that you have heard different variations of this statement (with most of this variance coming in the name being used to start the sentence). Even the most talented, creative individuals can succumb to writer’s block […]
Big Data (noun): “A vastly overused term thrown around to make people feel better about their decisions that may or may not take real metrics into consideration.” Social Media (noun): “A bizarre hurricane of fragmented, irrational thoughts interrupted by paid advertising that has about a 2% chance of being relevant to you.” Many marketers are […]
When it comes to social media, consumer-facing businesses jumped in head first with profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on (yes, there are more). Meanwhile, business-to-business organizations, or B2B companies, held back and waited for a big brand to dip their toes in the water first. Gradually, businesses have created Facebook pages and […]
Katy Perry: 27,284,129 / 34,979,652 Lady Gaga: 28,190,391 / 36,141,527 Barack Obama: 23,555,770 / 29,817,431 Taylor Swift: 21,262,301 / 26,249,754 Any idea what these numbers could mean? I’ll give you a couple hints: They are linked to social media and how Twitter is lying to you They are fractions describing parts of a whole (in […]
It’s difficult for companies of all sizes to successfully utilize social media as an engagement mechanism – a tool that extends beyond information sharing and actually increases website traffic and further builds relationships with potential and current customers. So, here is how to maintain social media engagement with your contacts, regardless of their stage in […]
In an age where some of the recent updates to the Oxford dictionary include “awesomesauce,” “srsly,” and “hangry,” it’s easy to see how social media has played a huge influence on how we express ourselves. In fact, Facebook reports that around 4.5 billion likes are generated daily. These “likes” provide insight into our thoughts and […]