The Need for Marketing Integration

Today’s digital marketer has many ways to reach consumers and conversely, consumers have many ways to access information. While these evolving channels offer marketers a wealth of information to understand customers better, it also raises fresh challenges – mainly potential customers now expect marketers to communicate with relevant and smarter messages to them. Success depends on the marketer understanding […]

Twitter + Marketing Automation

With our latest release, I am happy to announce that we have rolled out another new feature related to social media, this time around Twitter. This new feature is called “ROI Social – Twitter” and builds on one of the core strengths of the Right On Interactive product – Scoring. In short, Right On Interactive […]

Creating a Profile of the Prospect

Marketing automation has come a long way in popularity and acceptance. Sirius Decisions estimates the adoption rate of marketing automation to increase by 50 percent by 2015. But success the of marketing automation tools depends on having clearly defined goals in place. This becomes even more important since the marketing landscape is moving away from […]

3 Tips to Making Time for Marketing Automation

Let’s face it. It’s 2013, and we’ve made resolutions as individual and as businesses for the New Year, just like we did last year and like we did the year before. Did we keep them? Maybe. But most of the time we’re so busy keeping up with our daily work that we don’t “have time” […]

The Changing Nature of Email Marketing

Among the many innovations in the b2b marketing landscape, email retains its relevance as the basic, most widespread and effective direct marketing channel. The Marketing Channel and Engagement Benchmark Survey conducted in September 2012 revealed that in 2013, marketers plan to invest in email as much as they did in 2012. However, email marketing itself is struggling […]

Traits of a Good Lifecycle Marketing Platform

The marketer’s world is becoming increasingly complex. We need to engage across multiple channels while ensuring consistency across channels, continually update our tactics and plans and execute campaigns fast to counter increasingly fickle customer loyalties and shorter attention spans. Right On Interactive has found that more and more marketers now rely on marketing lifecycle software to […]

The Changing World of Marketing Engagement

In a world where change is the only constant, all roles undergo a constant churn, and the marketers’ role is no different. In the past, the main job of the marketer was to disseminate information regarding the product. Then, the marketers’ role transformed to teach customers how to buy. While these two roles remain relevant, […]

Features of a Good Automated Email Marketing Platform

Conventional marketing wisdom places great value to “batch and blast” emails, wherein the marketer sends a generic email, usually unsolicited, to each prospect or customer in the list. Customers are now more informed and demand individual attention which has forced marketers to re-think this strategy. Marketers continue to use email as the basic tool to […]

The Art of Targeting

There is one key point of focus that we continually re-enforce with our clients as they interact with their prospects and customers.  The first is the importance of segmenting your audience based upon where people are in their relationship with your brand. The supporting sales and marketing programs around these communications are designed to move the […]

Benefits of Automated Marketing Solutions

Many marketers consider crunching numbers a drag. It takes away time from the “front” where they can engage with customers and generate more sales. However, metrics and reporting are unavoidable. Without these mission-critical pieces of information, the marketer cannot keep track of their work or measure the success of their strategies. Marketing Automation solutions provide […]