Like most of you, as I prepare to cook, bake, fry and roast our dinner this Thanksgiving holiday, I find myself reflecting on the many things I am thankful for in my life. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you my “28 days of thanks” and get straight to my top five reasons I’m thankful as a […]
The college environment today is much different than when I attended college over a decade ago. There wasn’t a single person from my high school who didn’t apply, enroll and attend college within the first year of earning their diploma. No one asked you what your plans after graduation were, everyone asked where you were […]
The other day I happened to take a look at U.S. News & World Report’s list of the Best College Values and was shocked at the “sticker” prices after grants (assuming a student qualifies for need-based grants). Even with financial assistance, college isn’t cheap. For those footing the bill themselves, they have at least 10-15 […]
Ninety-four percent of all B2B marketers now engage through social media. Among the different social media channels, Twitter ranks amongst the most popular, with 84% of all B2B marketers using this it to reach out to prospects. Here are five tips on how marketers can increase the depth of their Twitter engagement: Provide Interesting Content […]
Marketers create content to attract the attention of their prospects. But too much content may simply serve to dilute attention. In today’s fast paced world, people are too impatient to sift through loads of data to get what they want, and they would rather abandon their quest than undertake a painstaking search. This is especially […]
Students researching various schools are bombarded with information online, and many prospective students do not have the patience to sift through tons of content to find what they’re looking for. They do not have the time to fill out detailed forms or requests either. In this case, less can be more. Here are a couple of […]
Laura Patterson, president and co-founder of VisionEdge Marketing, Inc., recently published an article that suggests marketing technology is a critical component of any marketing plan or strategy. However, she concedes there is a lot of noise for marketers to filter through before deciding which technologies will work best for them. Patterson suggests, If you want […]
In a recent Inside Higher Ed article, Ry Rivard revealed, Admissions officials in a recent survey said, on average, they try to contact each prospective applicant 6.6 times. All told, admissions offices at four-year colleges spend about $2,500 per enrollee on recruitment office and marketing costs, according to Eduventures, a research and consulting firm. That’s a […]
A college’s website is the first destination for many prospective students and parents when beginning to research universities and colleges. According to a 2011 E-Expectations Report sponsored by Noel-Levitz and the National Research Center for College and University Admissions, one out of five students removed a university from consideration after a bad experience with the school’s […]
What better way to celebrate Halloween than by discussing the scariest question I’ve ever heard in my years of working with technology and higher education… “Do you use email?” (Insert screams of terror here) I typically create marketing content on customer lifecycle marketing, marketing automation, lead scoring, email marketing, campaign management, big data, and the […]