Marketing Content Strategy: The Lifecycle Journey

In lifecycle marketing, your content strategy should align with where your customer is on their lifecycle journey. A customer may be a great and engaged fit with your brand, but they could be anywhere on the lifecycle journey. By formatting your content to where a customer is on journey with your brand, you can increase their […]

The journey from single ticket sales to raving fans, literally

I graduated from a university in the Big Ten Conference in 2002. A school with an athletic program of sports dichotomies. Basketball was and continues to be its powerhouse, selling out every game and maintaining a die-hard, enthusiastic and devoted fan base. The football program, while getting better, has always been the afterthought; something fun to do on a […]

Lead scoring has evolved, have you?

The way marketers use lead scoring to find ideal fit prospects has evolved over the years. For most marketers, lead scoring is based on the prospect’s profile attributes and how they match the organization’s ideal profile definition. The profile score provides insights into what an ideal lead looks like, so marketers can create campaigns for that audience. Profile score […]

Responsive Design: Why it’s Important for Businesses

  Picture your closet; inside is an array of shirts from throughout the years. Some fit great, but others are too small, worn-out, or have holes in them. You wouldn’t even consider wearing the shabby, worn-out shirt in public anymore. However, you originally purchased these garments for a couple reasons: (1) its functionality and (2) […]

Obtaining Email Addresses: Growing Your Lists

In this day and age in marketing, it is vital to constantly be obtaining email addresses from contacts and prospects. While social media has evolved and created a variety of other platforms on which to market, email still remains the most prevalent. Email has three times as many user accounts as Facebook and Twitter combined! […]

Control Your Content: Scheduling Tweets

In the marketing world today, it is vital to control your company’s content on a variety of platforms. Consider the fact that 85% of Americans are never more than 3 feet from their mobile device. These consumers are using their phones for everything from online shopping to connecting through social media. It can be a challenge […]

Lifecycle Campaign: Two words that don’t belong together

‘Lifecycle Marketing’ is the new hot, buzz worthy phrase in the marketing world. There is so much hype coming from every angle around lifecycle marketing but the question people most frequently ask me is, “What is Lifecycle Marketing?” Lifecycle Marketing, or Customer Lifecycle Marketing as I like to call it, is about the entire journey a […]

21 Reasons Why You Should Be Focused On Customer Experience

Customer Service Journey

Successful marketing is about more than winning clients. Lifecycle marketing and customer experience play a huge role in marketing success. It’s not just about winning a customer; it’s about that customer’s experience in their journey with your brand. Winning the customer is only the start of that journey. From there, it’s all about engaging and […]

The Importance of Lifecycle Stage Conversion

Lifecycle marketing provides new perspective and return on investment, but only with the necessary due diligence. Creating a solid, yet flexible marketing strategy that deeply integrates business functions isn’t easy, but it’s a necessary shift to measure true customer conversion rates. The most common barrier I see as a Client Success Manager, is integrating email […]

Marketing success doesn’t come with glitter

Step right up folks and witness an all-new, never before seen, brand-spanking new digital marketing technology that is easy-to-use, designed with the marketer in a mind and guaranteed to bring you marketing success or your money back! Said no one. Ever. But, like a moth to a flame, marketers flock to the new, shiny object […]