While B2B marketers have embraced social media in a big way, many struggle with delivering intended results, or determining the effectiveness of social media. While the assortment of channels are great for directly connecting with customers in a cost efficient manner, a major reason for social media skepticism is the difficulties associated with measuring ROI. […]
When I logged onto Facebook last night, the first story that appeared at the top of my newsfeed was a video of a thrilled toddler followed by a mother’s caption which read: “I cannot say enough great things about Schneider Chiropractic Center […] the fabulous staff there always go the extra mile […] and give extra special […]
Customer loyalty is the result of an emotional reaction. According to Beyond Philosophy, “customer loyalty is the rest of consistently positive emotional experience, physical attribute-based satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which includes the product or services.” Since it’s May in Indianapolis, it’s only appropriate to provide the following example to illustrate customer loyalty […]
One of the most famous reactions to an Oscar win was Sally Fields’ “You like me! You really like me!” For Fields, in the days before social media, there was no way to measure public sentiment or target and “score” the consumers of her product or films. The number of loyal customers, or in this […]
We are the marketing obsessed. We judge the effectiveness of billboards on our drive into work. We know the latest viral videos and use meme-speak in daily conversation (“listen, Linda, listen!). We know we should be blogging more, tweeting more, engaging more, and most of all creating more focused marketing campaigns. I hear your deep sighs […]
Here’s a startling fact, even though customers require a response, 5 in 6 requests made by consumers on social media go unanswered by brands (Sprout Social). “So what?” and “who cares?” may be what you’re thinking. Social media is a tool for broadcasting your brand message and should not be used as a customer service tool, […]
A survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute identifies content marketing as one of, if not the most important tool for lead generation. On average, B2B marketers use 16 content marketing tactics to share their messaging. Content creation, the lifeblood of content marketing, can be very difficult without a roadmap to long-term content success. 1.) Today’s B2B buyers are […]
Do you care more about getting new business or retaining existing customers? If you are every marketing professional I have ever consulted with, your answer is immediately and unequivocally – BOTH! But how can we, as marketers, attract and create loyal customers simultaneously? Customer brand loyalty and brand referrals are at an all time low. […]
Like a sheepherder that feeds, tends, and guards his flock, businesses must take care of their customers in order to avoid predator threat and destruction. Only then can the herd expand and grow. It’s just as important to retain customers as it is to attain new ones. As Shiv Sing, Senior Vice President of Global […]
A newer version of your 7-month-old tablet or iPad is coming out in a week and you have to have it. You go to the store, find your new toy, and eventually the older version is collecting dust on a shelf. – Do not “shelve” your existing customers – Novelty is exciting but it is […]