How to Reduce Customer Churn for B2B

customer churn for B2B

Your marketing team spends a lot of time (and money) to attract potential customers. Your business development team spends a lot of time on winning new business for your company. But is your company putting forth those same efforts to keep customers? Reducing customer attrition, or churn, should be the focus of any organization, regardless […]

Keeping Current Customers: Breeding Customer Loyalty

Molehill to Mountain: Marketing Automation Data

How many times have you written a review on Yelp, G2 Crowd, or Facebook? Customer feedback is an important method to measuring customer satisfaction. Many businesses gauge client success by the satisfaction levels of their customers. While a passing grade of four out of five stars may help an organization better prioritize upcoming projects […]

Understanding the Differences Between B2B and B2C Selling

B2B and B2C

After interning at Right On Interactive for the past four months, I have really come to understand the major differences between selling to another business versus selling directly to the customer. The way customer relationships are grown and nurtured truly varies depending on whether you’re dealing with an organization or an individual. With ROI being a business that sells to a […]

Promoting Customer Retention Through Lifecycle Marketing

customer retention

It’s been a couple years since my college friend group and I graduated Butler, so this past weekend we all reunited in Indianapolis. Besides tuning into the Butler game and exploring the shops on Mass Ave, no one could return home without hibachi from our favorite restaurant: Tomo. It didn’t matter that we had been […]

Finding and Cultivating More Best-Fit Clients

You’ve heard it before: one size doesn’t fit all. Just because you provide a product or a service that can help businesses grow, doesn’t mean every business out there is worth going after. Marketing and sales teams alike need boundaries or guidelines. Who are we calling? Who are we trying to reach? Without this focus, […]

The Importance of Social Listening

Social Listening

Social listening is defined as “the process of monitoring digital media channels to devise a strategy that will better influence consumers.” Companies deploy specific platforms with software that systematically searches keywords it finds in spaces such as blogs, social networks, and forums. With the growth of technology, social listening is easier for companies to implement, […]

Why Your Customers are Your Most Valuable Marketing Assets

The Urban Dictionary (A highly professional, definitive source) defines, “Marketing,” as, “Origin unknown. Purpose unknown. States the obvious, accepts all credit, rejects all blame.” Do you agree with this definition? I know a lot of people feel that marketing is nothing more than lies or fabrications that companies tell us to convince us to buy […]